Programs and Services Planning Session
SARC Member $545
Non-Member $665
This 3-hour session is meant for executive directors and senior leaders in the nonprofit sector. Can be hosted in-person or virtually.
In this session, you will delve deeper and discuss the organization’s programs and services to ensure they are relevant, fresh, and meeting the changing needs of the people your organization supports.
Check out our bundling options! Save 10%, 15% or 20% when you book more than one of SARC’s Strategic Planning Services!
Programs and Services Planning Session
This facilitated planning session is designed to assist the organization in determining specific program and service goals, as well as activities that align with the priorities and goals identified in the strategic plan.
If this session is booked as part of the organization’s strategic planning process, it should be hosted FOLLOWING the one-day Strategic Planning Session, as the goals and priority areas identified in the organization’s strategic plan will form the basis of this conversation.
If this session is not booked as part of the organization’s strategic planning process, it can be hosted whenever is convenient for the organization – the choice is yours!
This is one of SARC’s Strategic Planning Services and can be considered part of an organization’s Strategic Planning Process. Check out our other sessions by clicking the icons below
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, in fact it is recommended! Hosting this session after the Strategic Planning Session will help you to drill down and determine specific program or service goals and activities, that align with the priorities and goals outlined in the strategic plan.
Yes, any time is a good time to host this session. If your organization is looking for ways to evaluate, expand, or consider changing service activities, this session offers a valuable opportunity for discussion, planning, and informed decision-making.
Typically, the executive directors and senior leaders attend, as they are often the ones responsible for evaluating, planning, and changing the organization’s programs and services; however, it is up to the organization to decide.
Yes, it is considered best practice to hear from others before the session is held. While they will not attend the session, surveys and focus groups are great ways to gather their ideas, thoughts, and perceptions beforehand, in order to truly make informed decisions during the session.
Inquire With Us
Interested in hosting an Programs and Services Planning Session, either on its own, or as part of the organization’s strategic planning process? Email us to book this session or to learn more about SARC’s Strategic Planning Services.
Desiree Tirk – Trainer/Resource Developer – Leadership, SARC
Spending the past 25 years working in community development in the nonprofit and government sectors, Desiree brings a variety of experience in facilitation and training, program development, strategic planning, board governance, and research. Desiree has over 20 years’ experience in business and holds a Bachelor of Indian Social Work and Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies.
Desiree started working at SARC in 2020 and is the Trainer/Resource Developer, Leadership. As a lifelong learner, Desiree continues to grow her skills with new learning opportunities wherever she can and values the relationships she has made along the way.