Board Bits
Board Bits is a bi-monthly, 30-minute virtual discussion available to nonprofit executive directors and the organization’s board of directors.
Board Bits
Board Bits is a bi-monthly, 30-minute virtual discussion available to nonprofit executive directors and the organization’s board of directors. This interactive discussion will focus on different governance topics that will support you in your leadership role.
Watch the video below for a sample of what you can expect in a Board Bits session.
Desiree Tirk, Trainer/Resource Developer – Leadership, SARC
Spending the past 25 years working in community development in the nonprofit and government sectors, Desiree brings a variety of experience in facilitation and training, program development, strategic planning, board governance, and research. Desiree has over 20 years’ experience in business and holds a Bachelor of Indian Social Work and Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies.
Desiree started working at SARC in 2020 and is the Trainer/Resource Developer, Leadership. As a lifelong learner, Desiree continues to grow her skills with new learning opportunities wherever she can and values the relationships she has made along the way.