NTG-Canada Dementia Training: Supervisors

This training is intended for supervisors who oversee the supports provided to people who are aging with an intellectual disability. 

SARC is pleased to have an NTG-Canada Affiliated Provincial Trainer available to provide training.

This program is delivered throughout the year in both an in-person and live virtual format.

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NTG-Canada Dementia: Supervisors

This training builds on the fundamental information provided in the NTG-Canada Dementia Training for Support Staff, and is intended for supervisory staff who are involved in healthcare advocacy, decision-making, and advanced care planning.

People experiencing disability face many of the same age-related challenges as other older adults. It is crucial that staff understand age-related changes, know how to promote healthy aging, and be able to recognize and address symptoms of dementia. Early detection of dementia is key, particularly for adults experiencing down syndrome as the prevalence of dementia is significantly higher than in the general population.

Interested in hosting a session at your organization?

SARC Learning Central’s facilitators can bring this session to your organization! This session can be delivered to a group of supervisory staff at your organization in-person or virtually. Contact us today!

During this two-day session, we will cover the following topic areas:

Introduction to Dementia

We will take a closer look at dementia and how it impacts people experiencing disability, including:

  • What dementia is and why you should know about it
  • Different types of dementia and how to recognize the symptoms
  • How dementia progresses through different stages
  • Understanding the prevalence of dementia for adults experiencing intellectual disability
  • Identifying early signs of dementia and understanding the process of diagnosis for adults experiencing intellectual disability and dementia
  • Strategies to consider when supporting people throughout the different stages of dementia
Navigating the Healthcare System and Diagnosis

We will look at your role in healthcare advocacy and navigating the process of getting a dementia diagnosis, including:

  • The four steps of healthcare advocacy
  • The importance of quality observations as they relate to advocacy
  • How input and observations from a variety of sources will assist with accurate assessment, diagnosis, and intervention for people experiencing disability and dementia
  • The importance of early detection of the signs of dementia for people experiencing disability
  • How to use the NTG Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-EDSD)
  • Using input and observations from a variety of sources in the NTG-EDSD to assist with early screening for dementia
Decision-making, Advanced Care Planning, and Canadian Guidelines for Support

We will examine your role in supporting decision-making and advanced care planning for people experiencing disability and dementia, including:

  • The barriers that people may experience related to decision-making
  • The rights that all people have when making decisions
  • The importance of advanced care planning and some of the decisions that will need to be addressed
  • Types of decision-making in Saskatchewan, including supported decision-making, co-decision making, and guardianship
  • Information about powers of attorney, health care directives, and health care proxies in Saskatchewan
  • How to use the Canadian Guide for Community Care and Supports for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia to provide support through each stage of dementia
Creating Dementia Capable Environments and Key Concepts in Dementia Care

We will discuss the impact an environment can have on people experiencing disability and dementia, then explore key concepts in dementia capable care, including:

  • How and why an environment impacts the person experiencing dementia
  • Key aspects of dementia friendly environments, including important safety considerations
  • Practical ideas and suggestions for adapting spaces to be more dementia friendly
  • Five key concepts that are critical to providing dementia capable supports
  • The importance of being proactive, positive, and flexible; supporting staff to adapt their approach instead of expecting the person to change
Practical Strategies for Supporting People with Dementia

We will explore practical strategies for supporting people experiencing a disability and dementia, including:

  • Five key concepts that are critical to providing dementia capable supports
  • The importance of being proactive, positive, and flexible; adapting your approach instead of expecting the person to change
  • Some of the common responsive behaviours and the stressors that cause those behaviours
  • How to adjust your approach and the environment to avoid triggers for responsive behaviours

Lori Morphy, Trainer/Resource Developer – Service Delivery, SARC

Lori Morphy has more than 15 years of experience in the Disability Service sector in a variety of roles, including involvement in disability sports and adapted physical activity programs, and work as a Direct Support Professional, an assistant coordinator with Disability Support Services at the University of Alberta, and coordinator for mentorship and employment programs for youth experiencing disability.

Lori holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a Master of Arts in Physical Education, both specializing in physical activity for people experiencing disability.  She has taught post-secondary courses in adapted physical activity, health education, human growth and development, and therapeutic activities through the University of Alberta and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Lori joined SARC in 2018 as a Trainer and Resource Developer.  In 2019 she received TLR and PART Instructor certification from the Saskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in Health. In 2020 she completed training as an NTG Affiliate Provincial Trainer for the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices – Canada (NTG-Canada).  She brings energy, enthusiasm, and an interactive approach to all programs that she facilitates, and she looks forward to sharing her knowledge with others. Lori has also contributed to the development of several of SARC’s training programs and resources.

Lori and her husband have two young children, and she enjoys spending her time being active in gymnastics and many outdoor activities. She is an active community member, working as a gymnastics coach for athletes experiencing disability, rhythmic gymnastics coach, and volunteering for various community events.

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